Memorial for Flt Lt Jon Egging

Members of the Red Arrows Team, Colleagues, Family and Friends will be gathered today at a memorial in Lincoln Cathedral to celebrate the life of Red Arrows pilot Flight Lieutenant Jon Egging who very sadly lost his life following the Bournemouth Airshow earlier this year.

Flight Lieutenant Jon Egging, known as ‘Eggman’, joined the Team in the autumn of 2010 and flew as Red 4 during the 2011 display season. As a Red Arrows pilot, Jon encapsulated everything that is the ‘Best of British’; he was an exceptional pilot, a dedicated RAF Officer who saw service for his country but, moreover, he was a selfless and compassionate friend who will be sorely missed. The fortitude, resilience and pride that Jon showed in life are exactly the qualities that define our Armed Forces.

Today is about celebrating Jon’s life and remembering the person he was, his enthusiasm for life and helping others by encouraging them to follow their dreams and achieve their goals.

RAF press release