Daher Kodiak

Quest Aircraft Kodiak 100 N133KQ Xpedition AirQuest Aircraft Kodiak 100 N133KQ Xpedition Air | Rob Vogelaar

Daher was exhibiting its Kodiak utility aircraft at the Paris Air Show 2023. Originally designed and built by Quest Aircraft as an aircraft uniquely suited to the rugged flying environment found in missionary and humanitarian aviation, the Kodiak first flew in 2004. Daher acquired the programme in 2019 and unveiled the latest Series III variant in March 2021.

The high-wing Kodiak is powered by the ubiquitous PT6 turboprop and available on wheels or floats. A number of the 300+ examples so far delivered have been provided via the Quest Mission Team (QMT) programme, which sold one of every 11 Kodiaks built to a missionary organisation at cost price.