The Netherlands Government buys more F-35A and Reaper drones

Lockheed F-35A Lightning II F-020 322 Sqn Royal Netherlands Air ForceLockheed F-35A Lightning II F-020 322 Sqn Royal Netherlands Air Force | Rob Vogelaar

The Dutch Ministry of Defense is going to invest heavily in new equipment, including F-35As and armed drones. Supporting forces, such as the logistics and medical services, will also be strengthened.

This will involve a total of six additional F-35s (fighter jets), four additional MQ-9A Reaper Unmanned Combat Aerial System, all Reapers will be armed. More Patriot air defense systems and cruise missiles for the Navy.

There is also investment in more firepower for the land forces. For example, more armored howitzers are being brought back into service. This is the heaviest artillery of the army and can fire at targets up to 50 kilometers away. There should also be rocket artillery to fire at targets at a distance of about 100 to 300 kilometers.

Photo Rob Vogelaar